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Our welfare officers

Meet our Club Welfare Officers - Emma and Chris.

They play a key role in ensuring that our members have a safe and positive experience at the club. Should you have any safeguarding, discipline or conduct concerns, they are your port of call.

They also help to manage lower-level club issues and disputes, or concerns which prevent enjoyment of the sport.

Welfare Officers form part of a club's committee and help to implement good safeguarding governance.

By completing training provided by England Athletics and understanding the policies and procedures set out by UK Athletics, clubs can be confident that their welfare officers have the right level of knowledge for the role.

You can speak to Emma or Chris in person or by using the contact details shown

To ensure your own welfare, please check our Running Safety page

Emma Hicken - Lead Welfare Officer

Email - elvardy@hotmail.co.uk
Phone - 07787 241999

Emma Hicken - Lead Welfare Officer

Chris Hunt - Second Welfare Officer

Email - chrishunt1212@yahoo.co.uk
Phone - 07886 623760

Chris Hunt - second welfare officer

Club Hub

England Athletics has a designated Club Hub, which is a digital support area, designed specifically for athletics and running clubs.

Here you can find more information about Running Club Standards, Health and Safety and the Welfare Officer role

England Athletics Club Hub

You can also find lots of useful resources to help understand topics such as safeguarding and mental health, ways to support club members along with contact details for mental health providers and health professionals.